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Estate Planning

Estate Planning
"You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving"

We know you have worked hard throughout your life to get to where you are today. But the fruits of your labor will face potential leakage if you don’t take the time to plan your estate.


Intestacy (passing on without a will) and improper estate planning may leave your family with expensive legal fees, possible tussle with your most valuable assets tied up in litigation for months or even years.


Avoid the chaos and confusion by planning your estate early with consultants, who will take the time to assess your financial needs and understanding your family dynamic before arranging a customised plan that enables you to:


  • Minimise costs and taxes

  • Leave a legacy for your loved ones or chosen charities/organizations

  • Ring-fence your family wealth

  • Retain capital, provide liquidity and unlock additional value of your assets


We are also working closely with experience will writers, lawyers and trust companies to draw up a will and structure a trust that preserves your wealth and provides peace of mind.


Schedule a consultation with us to find out how to preserve your wealth and pass it on to future generations in the manner you choose—seamlessly and with no surprises.



Lasting Power of Attorney

Lasting Power of Attorney
"Preserving your dignity in the absence of mental capacity"

No one knows what lies ahead. And it’s even harder to think about the possibility of bad things happening one day in the future. But it always pays to prepare for all eventualities.


With a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), you can designate a trusted individual to make financial decisions for you should a time come when you can no longer make them for yourself due to mental incapacity.


Without an LPA, it may invite irresponsible party in making the decisions for you and your family – an outcome you don’t want, especially if you have dependents who rely on you.


For your full peace of mind moving forward, we will guide you through the process of registering an LPA while answering all the questions you may have about its use.  Schedule a consultation with us to find out more.

Legacy Planning

Legacy Planning
"Your true legacy is how many hearts you’ve touched"

Legacy isn’t all about the money you’ve made by hands – it’s about the values you’ve built in your heart.  


Your wishes to passing on your values, traditions, and sense of responsibility are something we take very seriously.


Our unique legacy planning advisory is beyond dollars and cents, it is focused on heritage, education, philanthropy, and estate planning.  These four aspects form the pillars of legacy planning.


4 Pillars of

Legacy Planning

Estate Planning

A structured and systematic analysis of your financial and family dynamics where we walk you through your various wealth preservation and distribution options. We will be assisting you in crafting a thoughtful plan that gives you peace of mind.

Business Succession

"Success isn’t about what you accomplish, but how you inspire"

Building value into your business didn’t happen overnight. But it can certainly vanish overnight if you don’t establish a clear and carefully thought-through succession plan.


Without one, your business will be left in disarray – and you will invite conflict, confusion, and crisis into the company.


We help you to review your business structure, minimize any potential financial risks,  advising you on the best schemes to protect business valuation, securing key talents who contribute to the revenue and sustainability of the business, plan your retirement and exit strategy, and document all long-term governance successfully.


Business Succession
Don’t just trust our words, experience our difference. Get in touch today!
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